Chapter Director Application

Thank you for your interest in being a TCCoA Chapter Director for your state. As a Chapter Director, your main responsibility will be the planning of local events and gatherings in your state. Some of your other duties will consist of: attending most scheduled events, providing or collecting photos of your events for use in TCCoA's Events section, keeping local members informed of any scheduled events as well as any other car related events that may be of interest.

As Chapter Director, you'll have webspace on the TCCoA server for a chapter-related page(s) along with a e-mail address for correspondence with your area members.

It goes without saying that in order to be a Chapter Director, you must be a member in good standing of the TCCoA.

If you feel that you are the right person to be a TCCoA Chapter Director for your area, please fill out the following information and questionaire below. Once we have received your application, it will be reviewed by the TCCoA Adminstration, and you will be contacted by one or more of us to validate your appointment.

Your Name
Username on TCCoA forums:
E-Mail: *
State: *
TCCoA Member Number: *
With a few sentences, briefly tell us about yourself: *
Why do you wish to be a TCCoA Chapter Director? *
Please tell us any plans you may have, as a Chapter Director *
* - required fields