Power Breaking with 5-speed Stick

There are two methods:

  1. Slicks Method on the track - painfully easy. It helps if your front tires don't go through the water box. Pull forward, going around the bleach box, and back the rears into the box. Put the trans in SECOND gear, and bring the RPMs to about 3000, and dump the clutch. This gets the slicks turning, and very quickly switch your foot from the clutch pedal over to the brake pedal, and hold my RPMs at about 4000, unitl you see some smoke from the wheels in your mirrors. Then, let of the brake, and let the car roll a bit, and let off; then a quick dry hop and stage.


    Put your right heel on the brake and edge your right toes over to the gas. Push in the clutch, put it in first, rev it up and dump out. As soon as you start spinning MASH IT. Don't ease it up or hold it at 2000 RPM, but mash it like your trying to spank the rev limiter. Once you get up around 5000 RPM and REALLY get some smoke pooring, then it won't really matter if you have water or not, but the smoke will keep the tires spinning. You should be able to stay up there for quite a while. When you want to leave just slowly let the rpms down and once you start grabbing good throw the clutch in.

  2. Dry method on street tires - produces lots of smoke. Put the car into first gear, unless your car has the power to smolder them in second. Now, one foot on the clutch, holding it down, and hold your right heel on the brakes, and your right toes on the gas. Keep the brakes planted, and bring the rpms up, and dump the clutch, quickly shuffling your left foot from the clutch to the brakes, and drop the hammer on the gas pedal, and spin them away. Keep the RPMs at 4000 or so, simply because you do not want the tires to spin too fast like that, unless you don't mind one of them blowing out and ripping your rear quarter panel apart.
It takes practice to learn the heel and toe, and in a street tire class of drag racing, it is needed, as you do not want to get treaded tires wet, that will hurt traction. I would find a big empty parking lot, with no lightpoles preferably, and play around. Also, watch the treads. You don't really want to kill your tires comlpetely, do you??

BTW, you aren't spinning your street tires at the race track are you? If so then you really shouldn't be.

V8 thunder & Micah

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